
Up until 11 at night is really stressful. When I’m studying I can’t think at all. I could easily just pick up a paper clip and think that it is the most interesting thing in the world. The worst thing about studying is that the next day, your mind just goes blank on the test. The stress of studying causes me to fail tests.

Why I don’t think we need make up days

I hate the feeling I get on Sunday afternoons where I worry about having to do my homework. I wish we didn’t have to make up our snow day. This is why I don’t think we need make up days.

First off, I think that we should just do our make up work on the last week of school because we just watch movies on the last week. Some movies we watch aren’t even related to class. People just fall asleep during them anyways.

The other reason is that we need our breaks. The day after the snow day is when the teachers cram two or three homework assignments into one night and it is too much work. I just think that we need our time off.

I just wish we had another weekend day tomorrow. This is why I don’t think we need make up days.

Why I don’t like Pep Rallies

Sitting on the bleachers while the booming sound of the microphone hurts my ears. We could be in class right now finishing homework. Pep Rallies are the worst.

Pep rallies are a waste of time. We listen to unimportant announcements by mumbling teachers and students. We also do the wave and stomp our feet on the bleachers. The cheer leaders have us yell wildcats fight and other cheers. How much more time could we waste?

The other reason I don’t like pep rallies is because they aren’t even entertaining. The teachers and student play those games sorted by grade level like bowling or free throws. The cheer leaders do their cheers, flips and stunts while they cheer for the wildcats.

I don’t know about you, but There are many reasons why I hate pep rallies.